Monday, September 22, 2008

Holy fluid removal, batman!

As you can see, we all survived the weekend. Mom will still most likely be gone in two weeks - I reread the booklet that hopsice gave us over the weekend and mom is definitely in the "one to two weeks" category. When we saw her on Friday, her nose and lips were a lavender color - matched her shirt very well. She's starting to have trouble with her body temperature - vascillating wildly between hot and cold, sweating buckets and freezing her ass off. Her confusion/weird dreams are getting worse - she tells me the things she's dreaming and I THINK they all have a kernel of truth, but they're also all confused with each other and tangled like a skein of yarn.

The title of this post? Well, Friday they finally got mom in for her periocentesis. The docs removed 13 liters of fluid from her abdomen. That's equal to 3.4 gallons. She lost 35 pounds between Friday and Saturday mornings. :) Mom feels a lot better with all that gone. She actually ate half a hamburger and some fries Friday night, some pears and cottage cheese Saturday morning, mac and cheese Saturday night, and had part of a steak and mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner on Sunday! That's more than she's eaten in two weeks - and she didn't even get sick.

I wish I could say she's getting better, but she won't. Ever. I had someone ask me Saturday night at dad's VFW post if my mom was "getting better". I wanted to reply with " She's dying. She's not going to get better. It's a cancer with no treatment. It doesn't go away on it's own." I didn't - I just said she was feeling better after the fluid removal. I don't know how to respond to stuff like that. "I hope your mom gets better." Well...not going to happen and if you think it is then you're in denial big time. At least dad and the doctors are dong what they can to make her as comfortable as possible until the end.

The disorientation is hard for me to deal with. I know that as long as it's not harmful I should go along with it, but even that is shaky ground. For example, during one "episode" Saturday night, she was having babies. She was having OTHER people's babies, actually, since she'd already had her own. (How ironic that the mother of an infertile girl is a surrogate...) At any rate, she was looking for the papers for the babies and asked me where they were. I told her the nurse had them (I didn't know what else to say). She gave me a dirty look, rolled her eyes and said "Terrific. I have to have them, because now I don't know what to say to cover for them." Apparently "the nurse has them" was the wrong thing to say...but I'm flying blind. Putting my acting skills to the max, I guess.

Well, it's off to my next class for me. I'll try to keep you updated as there's changes.


MrsSpock said...

Wow, 13 liters is quite a lot. I'm sure her belly must have been huge and painful. I'm glad it is giving her some relief. Life is no fun when your liver isn't working :(.

I hope these next two weeks for your mother are minimal when it comes to discomfort, and you are able to cope with her confusion. I have seen many deaths as a nurse, and I can say that the majority them have been quiet and peaceful at the end. You are all in my thoughts.

Jess said...

13 liters! Dang!

I'm sorry that things are pretty much sucktastic. I wish there was something to say or do, but I know there's not. I'm with Mrs.Spock...I hope that things go easily for you all.